Association Mondiale de la Gastronomie
"When it all just
comes together
for the most perfect night
of exquisite
fine dining,
recognition of excellence
& meaningful
Gold Coast Chapitre
12th November 2016
Recognition For Excellence
The Gold Coast Chapitre was also
an opportunity to officially welcome Tracy Thomas in her new role as National Chargee de Presse.
A Chaîne member for several years, Tracy recently welcomed the opportunity to fulfil the national role as Chargee de Presse, with a first major project being the design, development and delivery of our all new website.
Tracy works closely with our National Committee and each of the Regional Bialliages on all aspects of our advertising, correspondence and brand integrity.
On behalf of the National Committee and each of our valued members, we would like to congratulate Tracy on the quality of her work and thank her for the astute level of professionalism on each exciting new project.
The Gold Coast Bailliage continues to go from strength to strength with their most recent Chapitre being an absolute success receiving glowing reviews from all who attended.
With such a fun and inviting team forming the Gold Coast Bailliage, it is no wonder that Saturday nights event was such a pleasure to attend with over sixty members relishing the camaraderie and the finest levels of dining.
Master Chef extraordinaire Grant Perry was indeed a highlight with the magnificent Videre restaurant at Royal Pines combining to deliver a truly beautiful and contemporary Chaîne dining experience.
With several years experience as a Master Chef in the middle east and additional appointments at world class restaurants in Europe, members were treated to Grant's exotic and completely unique signature style with a carefully planned
five course experience.
Grant and the beautiful team at Videre selected an exquisite range of wines from Morambro Ck, Otago NZ and the Grampions, with the breathtaking Martini Igloo being accompanied by the world sought Topaque from Campbells Rutherglen Victoria.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Lee Noble and members within the Gold Coast Bailliage for enabling and sharing this very special event with us.
We hope you enjoy the photos as much as we are, they do indeed capture the spirt and meaningful camaraderie of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs lifestyle.
We look forward to showcasing the next wonderful Gold Coast Bailliage event.