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Association Mondiale de la Gastronomie
Paul Bocuse Tribute Dinner at the Brisbane Club
Paul Bocuse, (born February 11, 1926, Collonges-au-Mont-d’Or, France—died January 20,2018, Collonges-au-Mont-d’Or), French chef and restaurateur known for introducing andchampioning a lighter style of cooking. Scion of a long line of restaurateurs, Bocuse apprenticed under several prominent chefs before taking over the family’s failing hotel-restaurant in Collonges, near Lyon, in 1959.

Before long he had attracted much attention with his innovative nouvelle cuisine, a style ofcooking that emphasized lightly cooked vegetables, sparing use of dressings and sauces made from materials low in fats, and artfully simple presentation. Bocuse’s abandonment of many conventions of traditional grande cuisine won many followers among younger chefs, and nouvelle cuisine soon appeared in many variants, especially in France and the United States. Bocuse’s own restaurant was rated three stars by the influential Guide Michelin.
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